Floating Stickies stay on top of all other apps, and allow you to quickly jot down notes for easy access from anywhere! Easily dock your stickies by dragging them to the left side of the screen. All stickies are auto-saved, and can be accessed through the app.
Floating Stickies Pro
- Sync all your stickies with other devices
- Unlimited sticky notes
- Add titles to your sticky notes
Thanks to Mark Wei for his StandOut Library.
Mengambang Stickies tetap di atas semua aplikasi lain, dan memungkinkan Anda dengan cepat menuliskan catatan untuk memudahkan akses dari mana saja! Mudah dermaga perekat Anda dengan menyeret mereka ke sisi kiri layar. Semua perekat yang otomatis disimpan, dan dapat diakses melalui aplikasi.
Floating Stickies Pro
- semua perekat Anda Sync dengan perangkat lain
- catatan tempel terbatas
- Tambahkan judul ke catatan tempel Anda
Terima kasih kepada Mark Wei Perpustakaan menonjol nya.
Floating Stickies stay on top of all other apps, and allow you to quickly jot down notes for easy access from anywhere! Easily dock your stickies by dragging them to the left side of the screen. All stickies are auto-saved, and can be accessed through the app.
Floating Stickies Pro
- Sync all your stickies with other devices
- Unlimited sticky notes
- Add titles to your sticky notes
Thanks to Mark Wei for his StandOut Library.